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PHOTOS: National Night Out in Ridgeland

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

On Tuesday evening, Ridgeland's Village Park was host to both National Night Out (NNO) and Family Fun Day at the Farmers Market.

All photos by Cassandra Kyser.

Two police officers pose in front of a trailer hauling two black snowmobiles. The officer on the left is a male; the officer on the right is a female.
National Night Out is a chance for law enforcement, firefighters, and EMS workers to connect with the communities they serve. Officers from the Barron County Sheriff's Dept. pose with the agency's new snowmobiles.

A man and a woman stand in front of the back door of an ambulance. In front of them on a stretcher is a mannequin and a chest compression device called a Lucas 3.
Brittany Selkow and Mitch Wirth from Dallas Area Ambulance Service. The pair demonstrated the use of a "Lucas 3" device on a mannequin. The Lucas 3 administers CPR chest compressions, allowing EMTs to attend to multiple victims at the same time.

A male firefighter is helping a boy, around 8 years old, try on a firefighter jacket and pants.
The Dallas-Sioux Creek and Ridgeland-Wilson Fire Departments had an obstacle course set up for children. A Dallas-Sioux firefighter helps a child try on gear.

A man in a white T-shirt and tan shorts stands behind a small table. On the table are 3 loaves of round sourdough bread loaves. A sign hanging from the table says "sourdough bread".
About a dozen Farmers Market vendors sold honey, jam, desserts, handicrafts, and more. Jordan Hurst sold his homemade sourdough bread. The Farmers Market is held every Tuesday during the summer, from 4 to 7 p.m. The last two days for the 2024 market are Aug. 13 & 20.

Three women stand behind a metal table holding three large roasting pans. They are wearing maroon aprons that say "Ridgeland Civic Club."
Ridgeland Civic Club members served hot dogs and brats under the pavilion. Left to right are Karen Groepper, Lily Carlon, and Mary Beth Wachsmuth.

Ray is seated and Betty is standing to his left. Both are wearing maroon aprons that say "Ridgeland Civic Club."
Ridgeland Civic Club members Ray and Betty Glaser.


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